Monday, August 28, 2006

A Blustery Day

The first day of classes reminded of the Winnie the Pooh book of the same title as this blog. It was probably the ugliest day since I've been here. It rained literally all day. And today was the day I had to travel to all my classes (three of them). I also had to go through all the fun times of declaring a 2nd major.

I'm starting to wonder how much my mom spent on my umbrella she got me. It died around 12:30 this afternoon. I thought I had mastered my techneque, I could use the wind and only had it blow out like three times, but I was quickly able to recover it. Then a strong gust off the lake took it and killed it. I had to discard it in the trash can umbrella graveyards. I must admit, it was kinda funny when everyone would come out of a building, put up their umbrellas, and then a big gust of wind would massacre all of them.

I also realized my theology class is entitled "Virtuous Eating." Go figure. It said "Moral Problems: x" in my class schedule, but whateva. It actually might be my favorite class so far considering my theater class on Mondays involves sewing.

Overall, today was a pretty good first day, except for that after dinner I had nothing to do. Maybe I'll start working out. Ha.

--The Barry

Sunday, August 27, 2006

A Semi-Eventful Sunday

Hey, first-off, I'd like to extend a hearty welcome to any of those who transferred to this from my MySpace's to more fun times through the computer..what a loser you are..

Today is Sunday, and apparently the last day of my summer, considering classes start tommorrow. To be honest, though, I'm almost anxious for them to start, so there aren't these giant lulls in the day, and me wondering what to do and feeling like a loser because I'm not sure what to do (but, thankfully, I haven't resorted to doing laundry as a result of boredom. Thank Jesus above for that).

This morning was the first morning where I got to kinda sleep in, and by sleep in, I mean 11:00. But you know what I say? Whatevs. Then Mark called me, we went to lunch and Mertzed till it hurts, you know the drill. Then I did some boring adminstrative stuff that I would like to bore you with, but I won't.

Anyway, as I was doing my tour-o-rama of my classes for the next day (because I'm such a prepared and studious student), I ran into Lindsay and Alex, two chicks I met at the Marquette soccer game (G0 Ramblers! Yeah.). They were looking for a frisbee, and I thought I would join on them on this honorable quest, although they never really asked me (and we never found a frisbee). We met up with other friends of theirs, who were going to the DePaul soccer game (Fransican d-bags), and so we all saddled on up to the El and went to DePaul, where there is this giant painting of a Fransican who looks like Robin Williams with a pedaphilic smile on a dormatory. Creepy. We lost, two/one. Meh, I won't lose much sleep over it.

After the game, we hopped on the El again and went to Millenium Park, where there is this giant outdoor concert hall for orchestras. I might have to hit it up. There was also a giant metal bean.

You could see a whole reflection of the Chi-town skyline in it. Pretty cool. Also located in the hip Millenium Park are these giant fountains that have huge videos of people's faces, and after like twenty minutes of blinking and other facial movements, the faces spit water on the excited children underneath. What a city.

We got dinner at Brannigans and I got the Monte Crisco, a deep fried ham sandwich with powdered sugar on top. I kid you not. We also had cheeseburger egg rolls. Forget freshman 15, more like Freshman 50. Fortunately, I gave the last quarter of my sandwich to some homeless lady. I hope she enjoyed it.

Now I'm preparing to actually start college. Scary stuff for a lesser person. I just hope I wake up in time for breakfast.

Peace out,

Friday, August 25, 2006

Day One (well, actually, day 2, but who likes specifics? Not this guy)

Yesterday I moved into college. I'm in the crazy land of Chicago, a whole friggin hour behind my home, which is having some weird effects on my sleeping habits. You could say this is a big change. I used to be an intelligent, witty, and good-looking big fish in a small pond. Now the pond is considerably larger.

That aside, these past two days have been kinda weird. I'm not gonna call them boring, but they aren't exactly packed with excitement. We're just a bunch of college kids with no direction or motivation.

I've actually spent most of my time with Mark, the only other kid who went to the same high school as me. Last night, we went on a "crazy" last minute Target run to get crap to fill our dorm rooms with. I got a trash can and a USB cable, so you could say my little room is probably the sweetest ever.

Today we went down to the Magnificent Mile. We took the El, even though in like two days we'll have passes. We met these two girls from Loyola who were from Minnesota. One played women's hockey, which apparently is pretty big in Minnesota, but no so much everywhere else, or maybe I'm just ignorant. They seemed decently cool enough to earn a conversation in the future. I won't bore you with the details about how friggin extravagant Michigan Ave was, but it was pretty intense. After getting acosted by more than one less-than-mentally-stable dudes, we set back for school, which took about 45 minutes.

I then met outside Mertz with some random peeps I knew kinda sorta from orientation, and then Mark came out, and I did some introducing, and then we all talked for like an hour and a half. Then we did this lame mixer which totally confused me, basically it was like speed dating but not dating, and there were prizes (I didn't win, in case you cared. No, I knew you didn't). Then I chilled in the "hip" "zip's" joint, and then I had a bad headache, so I went to my room.

Hopefully all my future blog posts will be a lot more enthralling. Until then, you can suck it.